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8/27/2013 4:39 PM 101 727 Agreement for Sale.pdf
8/27/2013 4:40 PM 101 730 WD.pdf
8/27/2013 4:40 PM 117 387 Covenants.pdf
8/27/2013 4:41 PM 117 453 Easement for ROW.pdf
8/27/2013 4:41 PM 118 74 Affidavit of Identity.pdf
8/27/2013 4:42 PM 124 279 Affidavit of Identity.pdf
8/27/2013 4:36 PM 2 206 Final Plat.pdf
8/27/2013 4:37 PM 2 440 Replat of Lot 5 Locust Creek.pdf
8/27/2013 4:39 PM Plat.pdf