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1/11/2023 3:38 PM 2017-24392 Plat.pdf
10/27/2022 1:42 PM 2017-24393 Ratification of Plat.pdf
10/27/2022 1:46 PM 2018-10429 Ratification of Plat.pdf
10/27/2022 1:50 PM 2018-16993 Covenants.pdf
10/27/2022 1:53 PM 2018-24555 Amendment to Covenants.pdf
10/27/2022 2:03 PM 2019-27078 Covenants.pdf
10/27/2022 1:57 PM 2019-27083 Notice.pdf
10/27/2022 2:08 PM 2020-24140 Amendment to Covenants.pdf
10/27/2022 2:13 PM 28-641 Easement.pdf